Friday, May 2, 2014

Modern Day Great Gatsby takes a fall

Ladies and Gentleman meet Donald Sterling, a former attorney turned Real Estate tycoon and Owner of the Los Angeles Clippers. The modern day “Great Gatsby” the character Jay Gatsby , he eerily resembles Sterling and is a lavish millionaire who enjoys parties and an extravagant life style of the “Roaring Twenties.” The novel has a host of characters, a mistress, a jealous murderer and a assortment of other conniving individuals. The narrator of the story is character Nick Carraway, he is inclined to reserve judgment, and he is a confidant for those with troublesome secrets. He finds Gatsby to be flawed, dishonest and vulgar. However, Carraway is not offended, and he continues on with his life. The lifestyle of the twenties is from another era and time. People were more brazen, less political, they had no shame and they took no offenses. In other words they were real. Today’s era is more prudent, craven and certainly more politically correct minded.  This was obvious from the belated knee jerk reaction from the NBA, the players and everyone else in America that is falling prey to the tabloids of lies and deceit. Whatever happened to single mindingness and being your own person? Was it left in the 20’s? The brazen individual of the twenties may have had something to say about an outburst or insult from the bold disrespectful Gatsby or today’s Sterling.
 We live in a society of not only cowards with a tattle tale mentally of a twelve year old, but a society of weak little darlings that masquerades as victims of society. They run to their mommy or daddy and cry, “The bully is picking on me momma,” The Momma marches to the principal’s office demanding something to be done about the bully. The principal calls the bully to the office and chats with him about what he did and he expels the bully from school.  A month later the bully sees little Johnny on the playground. The bully walks up to little Johnny and shoves him hard as he falls to the ground. The bully kicks dirt in his face and laughs at him and then walks away.
 What’s the moral of this short frame story? The answer to that question is the Bully didn’t change, despite being expelled. So the moral of the story goes, neither will Sterling. Gatsby didn’t change either, he was murdered. People will be people whether we are in the twenties or today’s era. There will always be bullies, bigots and racist that  live among us. We don’t have to tolerate abuse from these people, we can be proactive like the people in the 1920’s or we can be reactive like the era we live in today and run to mommy and daddy , a lawyer, or behind the transparent shield of political correctness.  Fight your own battles against the Gatsby’s and Sterling’s of the world , don’t run to your mamma or the principal.  I grew up with bullies and we handled them one way, the “smash mouth” theory. This is the only way to stop an atrocious racist bully.

 The NBA should have handled it by meeting with Sterling in person, mobster style. Grabbing him by the collar, and giving him an ultimatum. “Ship up or Ship out” Instead the NBA lavishes in the lime light of the media darlings and all the little political correct brain numb robots, who make NBA commissioner Adam Sliver to be a knight in shining armor.  In reality the NBA and Silver are cowards, and they only reacted to this situation because of the political ramifications of the leaked tape.  Without the leaked tape, the NBA stays quiet. They protect their own political interest, and are less concerned about the hurt feelings of the little darlings.
This is a set up by Sterling’s mistress, Stiviano. She audio tapes Sterling without his knowledge, and then leaks it to TMZ on Sterling’s birthday, April 26th. She may find herself in a defamation of character lawsuit. Sterling’s lawyer has to be salivating at the mouth, and mulling over a possible multi-million dollar lawsuit against the NBA and Stiviano.  . Since when is it against the law to be a bigot or racist? The NBA has hurled fines at Sterling before, but Sterling retaliated with a lawsuit. And I expect the same thing to happen this time around.
In America, racist and bigots are protected by the first amendment as well as journalist and the everyday person. Our first amendment rights are being put in jeopardy every day; by the brain numb robots and the media darlings that march to the beat of political correctness. Of course these people don’t realize they are being used as a prop to launch an attack against the first amendment. Politicians like U.S. Senator Edward J. Markey will ride this story to promote his agenda of limiting internet, TV and Radio “ hate speech” a bill that would allow the U.S. Government to determine what is “Hate Speech” and yes, in case you’re wondering , even “Hate Speech” like Gatsby or Sterling. Remember, just because someone makes a derogatory comment towards you, doesn’t mean they are breaking the law. Defend yourself in situations like this or either be like Nick Carraway and take no offense and go about your own business. The Roaring twenties is in the past , and along with it went the boldness, and Gall of individuals who fight their own battles and take pride in who they are. They speak the truth and do not fear the consequences. Or they live their own lives like Carraway did, he simply walks away. After all people used to have the common sense to say “Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me.” But living in a society based on political correctness is not dependant on common sense but is dependent on integrate people.  People that believe in symbolism over substance.  Gatsby will never clean up his act, he will always be who he is. It’s his make -up. He is like the old man at the end of the street that has no friends and nothing good to say. You just stay away from him. And if he has the audacity to hurl an insult at you, you either ignore him like Nick Carraway or you give him some “Smash Mouth” therapy.


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